The call aims to promote the development of new R&D activities by foreign capital companies already established or planning to set up in Spain.
For the purposes of this call, a foreign capital company will be understood to be a company with a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) participation in its capital equal to or greater than 10%. FDI will be considered to be that made by a legal entity domiciled abroad or by a natural person not resident in Spain, provided that this investment represents at least the aforementioned percentage of 10% of the share capital of the applicant company. Likewise, the requirement of having a percentage of foreign investment equal to or greater than 10% will be deemed to be met when this investment has been made directly in the capital of the applicant company or when this percentage of foreign investment is reached indirectly, through the participation in the capital of a third entity which, in turn, participates in the capital of the applicant company.
The amount of aid per beneficiary may amount to an overall maximum of EUR 200,000 during any period of three consecutive fiscal years ("de minimis" aid regulation) and shall be a percentage of the investment made (Community Framework for State aid for R&D&I (2014/C 198/01).
The projects to be supported must be carried out before 31 December 2019 in one or more of the following Autonomous Communities: Extremadura, Canary Islands, Castilla la Mancha, Murcia and Galicia.
The application must be made through the ICEX Virtual Office.
The call aims to promote the development of new R&D activities by foreign capital companies already established or planning to set up in Spain.
For the purposes of this call, a foreign capital company will be understood to be a company with a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) participation in its capital equal to or greater than 10%. FDI will be considered to be that made by a legal entity domiciled abroad or by a natural person not resident in Spain, provided that this investment represents at least the aforementioned percentage of 10% of the share capital of the applicant company. Likewise, the requirement of having a percentage of foreign investment equal to or greater than 10% will be deemed to be met when this investment has been made directly in the capital of the applicant company or when this percentage of foreign investment is reached indirectly, through the participation in the capital of a third entity which, in turn, participates in the capital of the applicant company.
The amount of aid per beneficiary may amount to an overall maximum of EUR 200,000 during any period of three consecutive fiscal years ("de minimis" aid regulation) and shall be a percentage of the investment made (Community Framework for State aid for R&D&I (2014/C 198/01).
The projects to be supported must be carried out before 31 December 2019 in one or more of the following Autonomous Communities: Extremadura, Canary Islands, Castilla la Mancha, Murcia and Galicia.
The application must be made through the ICEX Virtual Office.
For more information: ICEX-Invest in Spain T (+34) 91 503 5840; (+34) 900 349 000 /